Thursday, April 26, 2007


My selected for "impalu" because, if it is necessary to sleep in the machine on the subbotnyuyu night, it is wider than the seat
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not to find.
My we eat in Chinese, because we cannot go home. Either to sleep here or to remain until the morning in the night club. But we

do not walk into the night clubs. Tayler indicates that loud music, especially bass parties, it disrupts its biorhythm. After we visited

disk library for the last time, Tayler stated that loud music causes in it bolt. Furthermore, in the club almost it cannot be talked:

after the pair of containers each feels itself by the center of the universe, but in reality it is completely isolated from the external

Kak corpse in the classical English detective.
My we sleep today at night in the machine, because Marla appeared today to us it home and threatened to call the police so

that me they would arrest for the fact that I welded her mother. Then Marla started to raid house, shouting, that 4 monster and

cannibal. It raspinyvala of heap "riderz digest" and "National Dzhiografik" throughout entire house; it left after this occupation of 4

it. Here and everything.
to Posle of its unsuccessful attempt to put on itself hands with the aid of "ksanaksa" in the hotel "regent", 4 I do not believe in

the fact that Marla will decide to call the police, but Tayler nevertheless judged, which this at night to us will better spend the night

somewhere elsewhere. Just in case.
Na any case: suddenly Marla will set fire house.
Na any case: suddenly Marla will go and will purchase pistol.
Na any case: suddenly Marla still there.

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